The Enterprise Reading List is centered around the Post-Finale Series which chronicles events following "Terra Prime." This begins with a telling of the historical events behind the "These Are the Voyages..." holoprogram. This series was taken over by a new author following the Romulan War and the founding of the Federation and taken in a new direction. Accordingly, there are two good "jumping on points" below.
Besides the Post-Finale Series,
several additional novels are connected due to a recurring character and various references in other books, or to other books. These references are mentioned in the notes.
Three additional short stories are connected: one from The Brave and the Bold crossover duology (which ties into the Gorkon series), one from Tales From the Captain's Table (which ties into eight Lit-verse series), and one from Deep Space Nine: The Lives of Dax (which ties into the Deep Space Nine Post-Finale Series.) Enterprise also figures in the Destiny trilogy, and Department of Temporal Investigations: Watching the Clock.
Dark blue denotes the primary narrative. Read these for the bare bones story. Light blue denotes the expanded storyline. Read any or all of these to go a bit deeper. The white denotes every other connected story from the entire Lit-verse regardless of overall continuity.
Hover for notes. As always, not every reference to every other story is mentioned, just the one I chose as most important to show the expanding Lit-verse web.