TNG: "New Ground"
VOY: "Prophecy"/ "Lineage"
DTI: Watching the Clock
ENT: Kobayashi Maru
ENT: Beneath the Raptor's Wing
TOS: Forged in Fire
TOS: Forged in Fire/ TAS: More Tribbles, More Troubles
TOS: Four Thousand Throats/ TOS: Errand of Mercy
TOS: Four Thousand Throats/ DS9: Blood Oath
TOS: Four Thousand Throats
The Klingon Art of War
So out of the nineteen examples we've examined, all but three ended up being able to be correctly converted using this formula, and interestingly two of those were given by the person who crafted this calendar system to its previous most precise level. And those two were obviously in error. So I'm going to call this a successful and proven method for converting Klingon dates.
I assume this is a separate calendar system from the Kenson-Bennett calendar system. This one seems to be exclusively used in logs by officers in the Klingon Defense Force. As shown below, the usage of this calendar system in the novels has been very inconsistent in its exact dating, but it is clear that this system's calendar reckons a different start date for the Klingon year than the Kenson-Bennett calendar does.
This "XXXth day of the Year of Kahless XXX" dating system is derived from itscanonical use in the DS9 episode "Soldiers of the Empire." That episode had no stardate, and the Lit-verse related stories nearby it contain contradictory information pertaining to the exact dating of the episode. This, coupled with the fact that many of the usages of this system shown below contain inconsistencies not only between novels, but within the same novel's dating information, led me to try to come up with my own speculative start date for this calendar system, one which doesn't exactly match most of the data shown below, but which is a compromise among many contradictory data points. Therefore, this portion of my Klingon dating system examination should be treated as more conjectural than my examination of the Kenson-Bennett calendar.
The start date I have assigned for the dating system used for logs by the Klingon Defense Force is 14 Lo'Bral. The various uses of the KDF system, and those data points' relation to this date are examined below. It is assumed throughout that this calendar system uses the same day and year lengths as the Kenson-Bennett system, only with a different start day for the year.
DS9: Soldiers of the Empire
TNG: Diplomatic Implausibility
IKS Gorkon: A Good Day to Die
IKS Gorkon: Honor Bound
IKS Gorkon: Enemy Territory
Klingon Empire: A Burning House
A Singular Destiny
So as we've seen, when trying to determine how this calendar system works using data from the novels, we arrive at inconsistent and contradictory conclusions. However, creating a compromise between the two most useful references, we can arrive at a workable system. This start date of 14 Lo'Bral (109 days after the start of the Kenson-Bennett calendar) can explain, in some manner, each of the references as well as possible, and as shown elsewhere, will work well with my Day of Honor dating system.
The Original Series: The Final Reflection
Conversational Klingon
Klingon For the Galactic Traveler
Power Klingon
Waypoint 2019: The First Year