The IKS Gorkon Reading List is centered around the series of novels which follow the adventures of the Klingon vessel Gorkon. Several stories featured this crew before the formal launch of the series. The series was rebranded and relaunched as 'Klingon Empire' for the final book. Accordingly, there are several good "jumping on points" below.
In addition to the main novel line, two short stories are connected: one from Tales of the Dominion War, and one from Tales From the Captain's Table, both of which share multiple references with several things in the Lit-verse. Various characters from the series have since appeared in other novels, and they are included here.
Dark blue denotes the primary narrative. Read these for the bare bones story. Light blue denotes the expanded storyline. Read any or all of these to go a bit deeper. The grey denotes cameos of IKS Gorkon characters in other Lit-verse novels.
Hover for notes. As always, not every reference to every other story is mentioned, just the one I chose as most important to show the expanding Lit-verse web.