Continued work on the Kelvin Universe Reading List.
March 2025
This month I added the April releases (SNW: Toward the Night; Star Trek, Issue Thirty-One; Defiant, Issue Twenty-Six; Lower Decks, Issue Six; and the Lore War Special.) to their appropriate lists.
Continued work on the Kelvin Universe Reading List.
February 2025
Continued work on the Kelvin Universe Reading List.
February 2025
Started work on the remodel of the Kelvin Universe Reading List. I've needed to vastly expand this page for quite some time, after having discovered a few links which were sure to make most of the IDW Kelvin comics link to the wider Litverse, but I hadn't prioritized it until now. So this remodeling process will be a big improvement over the current page. Digging deep on all the links in the Kelvin comics. I took the page down temporarily while going over everything.
February 2025
This month I added the March releases
(Star Trek, Issue Thirty; Defiant, Issue Twenty-Five; and Lower Decks, Issue Five) to their
appropriate lists.
Also created the Vanguard & Seekers Simple Suggested Reading Lists page. And moved all the simple suggested reading lists to the submenus for thier series.
February 2025
Finished the remodel of the Vanguard & Seekers Reading List and created the mobile page. This was one of the messiest remaining pages. It really looks alot better and is more accurate now. So excited for all these pages to be done sometime soon.
January 2025
Finished the remodel of the Titan Reading List and created a mobile page and suggested reading lists. Began work on the Vanguard/Seekers remodel. I'm really feeling the tug at this point to just keep pushing and wrap up all these page remodels, leaving the site in a much better place than it's been for years.
January 2025
Did the majority of the work on a remodel of the Titan Reading List. This inspired some changes to how it did "jumping on points" on several series, and I added a line to several pages introductions about how I've handled The Fall series.
January 2025 This month I added the February releases
(Star Trek, Issue Twenty-Nine; Defiant, Issue Twenty-Four; Lower Decks, Issue Four; and Section 31: Emperor Born) to their
appropriate lists.
I also added Defiant: The Stars of Home to the relevant reading lists now that that arc is complete.
I also finished completely reformatting the html of all the reading lists that I've currently finished remodeling. On the user side this means no more underlines. All thanks to Grok! January 2025
Started a process of using Grok to do some mass editing of the reading lists html code. I'm certainly no pro at coding, but have just found some things that work over the years. So when I found out a simpler way of doing the hover text on the main reading lists that didn't force them to have hyperlink underlining, I wanted to change to that method for all the entries on every reading list. Letting AI do it quickly is working out well, and I'm also having it clean up the formatting of things so it's easier for me to see and edit in the future. Still a slow process, but alot better than doing all these tiny changes myself.
I also added TOS: Lost to Eternity to the TOS Reading Lists after finding out about a link to the wider Litverse continuity web. I also did a bit of behind the scenes housekeeping on a few pages.
And, also using Grok to make the process super fast, I created the IKS Gorkon Reading List mobile page! Things are just going to get pretty effecient around here with this new tool!
December 2024
Added the final seven short stories from Star Trek Explorer to the story count pages. Some real good ones in there, so it's sad the magazine and the stories have come to an end.And I did some small housekeeping edits on several pages.
Did the remodel on the IKS Gorkon Reading List in one marathon session. Just have to generate the mobile page soon.
December 2024
Created the Early 24th Century Simple Suggested Reading Lists page.
December 2024
Completed going over the notes on the Early 24th Century Reading List and moved everything over to the newly created Early 24th Century Reading List mobile page.
December 2024
Continued work on the Early 24th Century Reading List remodel. Going over all the notes for accuracy and formatting.
December 2024
Continued work on the Early 24th Century Reading List remodel. Added all the cover pictures.
December 2024
I started work on the Early 24th Century Reading List remodel. Once I get it in it's updated shape then I'll make a mobile page and simple suggested reading lists like I've been working on for the previous series. This will just about the largest remaining page to remodel, so hopefully things will continue to progress quickly on the remaining pages.
December 2024
This month I added the January releases
(Star Trek, Issue Twenty-Eight; Defiant, Issue Twenty-Two; Defiant, Issue Twenty-Three; and Lower Decks, Issue Three) to their
appropriate lists. Also added the two short stories from Explorer Issue #13.
November 2024
Finished getting the new IDW Comics info copied over the mobile versions of the TNG, DS9, and VOY Reading Lists. Also went back and adjusted a few mistaken orders in entries on the TNG Reading Lists that I had noticed regarding placements of the DC Comics.
November 2024
Added the short stories from the Explorer #12 Digital Supplement to the Story Count pages, and added one of them, Memoriam, to the TOS Reading Lists. I added and organized all the recent 24th Century IDW comics to the various reading lists. But I still need to get that new info copied over to the mobile versions of those pages.
November 2024
This month I added the December releases
(Star Trek, Issue Twenty-Seven; and Lower Decks, Issue Two) to their
appropriate lists.
I also continued adjusting a few placements based on my new Day of Honor dates. TNG: Ancient Blood, DS9: Honor Bound, Unlimited: The Warrior, and VOY: Her Klingon Soul all received updated placements or notes.
November 2024
As fallout from finally figuring out the Day of Honor dating, I moved Treaty's Law to a new placement in the 5YM Timeline and the TOS Reading Lists. This also inspired a few tiny edits to the Day of Honor page text.
October 2024
A long vacation means the big moment has arrived. The Klingon calendar pages revamp is complete, along with a calculator to convert dates between Earth and Klingon and back again! Also included is the reworked Day of Honor dating system, which at last takes all the evidence into account and makes sense of the Day of Honor dating. Everything works, all the details are accurate, and every page is updated and complete.
I'm so glad to finally be done with this project. It's been a monster. And I'm excited to get completely back to focusing on the regular pages of the site from here on. To those not interested in this side project, thank you for your patience as my interest in this took time here and there over the last months and years.
October 2024
This month I added the November releases
(SNW: Asylum; Star Trek, Issue Twenty-Six; Defiant, Issue Twenty-One; and Lower Decks, Issue One) to their
appropriate lists.
I also continued going over all the info in the Klingon Calendar pages with my new calculator in hand, making sure all the details are correct.
October 2024
Fixed the Julian/Gregorian transition issue that the Klingon date calculator poped up with. I've now done extensive testing on it, and it works correctly. Finally.
October 2024
One final thing that I discovered needed address on the Klingon calculator was a discrepancy caused by the switch from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar in 1582. Somehow my spreadsheet was smart enough to know there are no such dates as October 5-14, 1582, but only on the Klingon to Earth date half. So I'm midway through teaching that fact to the Earth to Klingon calculator. Before noticing that, had started going back over all the Klingon pages with the current calculator's calclations. Will continue that later this week.
September 2024
I finally finished a fully functional, no errors, accurate down to the second Klingon date calculator!!! It is available now for patrons on Patreon. I've been wanting this for years, and been working on it about a year, so to finally have it complete is a huge load off my shoulders. It will be live for everyone hopefully next month when I finally post the revamp of the entire Klingon calendar project, complete with a functional Day of Honor dating system again.
September 2024
Added the stories from the print portion of Star Trek Explorer #12 to the story count pages.I added the stories from Star Trek #500 to their various reading lists, as two of the stories link to existing stories.I do lack adding a few of them for now, until I get a Lower Decks and SNW page up.
September 2024
I finished the Starfleet Corps of Engineers mobile page and suggested reading lists. They are now online.
September 2024
This month I added the October releases
(Lower Decks: Warp Your Own Way; Star Trek, Issue Twenty-Five; and Defiant, Issue Twenty) to their
appropriate lists. Also added the Star Trek #500 stories from last month.
August 2024
Continued working on the Klingon calculator. It's going really well finally. And I finished work on the SCE Reading List revamp. I'm halfway through building the SCE Reading List mobile page. The work-in-progress is available for Patrons. Should be able to wrap up the entire SCE project next week.
August 2024
Continued working on the SCE page remodel and the Klingon calculator.
August 2024
Did most of the work on remodeling the SCE page. Will then create a mobile page for it and a simple suggested reading list.
I was also so spent on my Klingon calculator constantly pointing out errors and discrepancies to me, and not being able to get to the bottom of how to accurately account for leap years and Klingon festival years in the calculator, that I decided to put ChatGPT up to the question. After a few minutes of explaining the Kenson-Bennett Klingon Calendar to it, it came up with an alternative method for doing the conversion calculations that I had never considered from day one. When it presented the much simplier version of the logic behind the calculation to me, I was grinning from ear to ear and stunned at how amazing it was to get a different set of "eyes" on the problem that could solve the whole issue in a snap. So I've currently abandoned my previous calculator work and am starting over using the much simplier logic that ChatGPT came up with. It's going well so far, so I'm hoping to soon be finished with the calculator for good.
August 2024
This month I added the September releases (Star Trek, Issue Twenty-Four; and Defiant, Issue Nineteen) to their appropriate lists. Waiting to add the Star Trek #500 stories until I see what they are.
I tweaked the dating placement notes on some of the New Frontier stories in the 2376 area.
July 2024
Took a breather from the Klingon calendar calculator conundrum, and added in Unification to the TNG Reading Lists, as I found out it originated the name Dartha for the Romulan capital city.Also made sure the naming conventions were consistent across all comic annuals and their notes.
And an update on my list for years- new ship pictures added on the Scale Ship Collection page. Have gotten quite a few over the last couple of years since I took the time to update that page.
July 2024
Continued working on the Klingon calculator conundrum.
July 2024
This month I added the August releases (Star Trek, Issue Twenty-Three; and Defiant, Issue Eighteen) to their appropriate lists.
Continued struggling with the Klingon date calculator.
June 2024
Figured out the error in the Klingon calculator and fixed one of the eight different calculations. Just need to copy the fix to the other seven and I'll be back on track.
June 2024
Continued work on remodeling the Klingon calendar pages. Using the new Klingon calculator to confirm quite a few dates made me notice a few eccentricities in the calculator and I'm fiddling with it's formulas again. Hopefully almost figured out how to account for the weirdness I've noticed.
June 2024
Added Star Trek Log Two, which shares a reference in Star Trek Log Three, to the TOS Reading Lists and 5YM Timeline. This inspired moving the Star Trek Log Two episodes down quite a bit in the timeline to December, due to a timing reference in the book.
Also continued working on the Klingon calendar pages revamp.
June 2024
This month I added the July releases
(TOS: Lost to Eternity, Star Trek, Issue Twenty-Two; Defiant, Issue Seventeen; and Sons of Star
Trek, Issue Four) to their appropriate lists.
Also added SNW: Toward the Night to the upcoming novels list. And added TNG: Pliable Truths to the TNG and DS9 Reading Lists, due to a surprising and strong Lit-verse link in the story.
June 2024
I added the stories from Explorer #11 digital supplement and the Celebrations one shot to their relevant pages.Adding the short story Cat and Mouse inspired some shifting around of TAS episodes on the 5YM Timeline.Perhaps more to come.
May 2024
I finished the Klingon date calculator! Just need to get the page itself situated before then getting back to the revamp of the rest of the Klingon calendar pages.
May 2024
Continued the seemingly endless progress on the Klingon Calculator page.
May 2024
This month I added the June releases
(Star Trek, Issue Twenty-One; Star Trek Annual 2024; Defiant, Issue Sixteen; and Sons of Star
Trek, Issue Three) to their appropriate lists.
Also finished adding the stories from TOS: Uchu to the TOS Reading Lists and the 5YM Timeline.
And I'm hoping to be back on track with the Klingon calendar. Found a different spreadsheet program that can do embedded editable sheets, which excel seems to have just done away with. So my current progress is back online for patrons now. Still having trouble with mobile but hoping to solve that soon as well and be back to thrusters ahead full.
April 2024
Was informed of a link between a story in TNG: Boukenshin and TNG: Vendetta. This also links a story in TOS: Uchu to the Lit-verse web. Added all four stories from Boukenshin to the TNG Reading List and in the process of adding the four from Uchu to the TOS Reading List and the 5YM Timeline.
April 2024
Ugggh. After all the work I did to figure out how to embed the Klingon calculator on the site, now there seems to be an unresolved bug with Microsoft about embedding. Hopefully it will get fixed asap.
April 2024
This month I added the May releases (TNG: Pliable Truths; Star Trek: Issue Twenty; Defiant: Issue Fifteen) to their appropriate lists. Not sure what exact stories are in Celebration #1 yet, so that will wait.
Also added the Encounter at Farpoint novelization and TNG: Ghost Ship to the TNG Reading List as I was told about links to both stories. The link also makes TNG: Ghost Ship a newly "discovered" book in the Original Lit-verse!
And continued working on the Klingon/Earth date calculator. Patrons can see the page, which now has some output on the Klingon to Earth date half of the calculator. Not to far from complete, as far as the calculator goes.
March 2024
Added Defiant: Hell is Only a Word to the various reading lists, and cleaned up some of the recent IDW comics' notes in those areas.Added the stories from Star Trek Explorer #11 to the story count pages. And added Picard: Firewall and the Explorer short story Dignified Transfer to the appropriate reading lists, due to links in those stories to the wider Lit-verse web.
Also continued work on the Klingon calculator page. The Earth to Klingon date calculator is complete! It is live now on Patreon. Instructions to make sure everything is understood will be incoming when posted for the public. Now have begun the final version of the Klingon to Earth calculator, which shouldn't take much longer.
March 2024
This month I added the April releases (Star Trek, Issue Nineteen; Defiant, Issue Fourteen; and Sons of Star Trek, Issue Two) to their appropriate lists.
March 2024
Finally building the actual Klingon Calendar Calculator page which will be embedded on the site. Next time I work on it in a few days, I should have a work-in-progress page that at least does something to post for Patreon patrons at the "behind the scenes" level.
February 2024
Just when I was about to give up struggling with embedding and permission problems, I finally figured out a good way to embed my Klingon Calendar Calculator on the site. A few more sessions and it should be workable.
I also added the stories from the most recent issue of Star Trek Explorer to the Story Count and 5YM Count pages.
February 2024
This month I added the March releases (Star Trek, Issue Eighteen; and Defiant, Issue Thirteen) to their appropriate lists.
February 2024
Continued work on the Klingon calendar calculators.
February 2024
Added TAS: The Schiemer Barrier to the story count pages. And updated issue titles for the last few Picard's Academy issues.Continued working on the Klingon date calculator.
January 2024
Continued work on the my Klingon date calculator. It can now spit out correctly formatted Klingon date and time automatically. Getting closer all the time!
January 2024
Continued work on my Klingon date calculator. Currently teaching the spreadsheets to transform fractions of a Klingon year into readable Klingon days and months.
January 2024
month I added the February releases (Picard: Firewall; Star Trek: Issue Seventeen; Defiant: Issues Eleven and Twelve; Picard's Academy: Issue Six; and Sons of Star Trek: Issue One) to their appropriate
Also finally took the time to add the four short stories from Star Trek Explorer #9 to their appropriate lists.
And finally figured out a plan for embedding a Klingon to Earth/Earth to Klingon calendar calculator on the site (I think!)! So getting closer and closer to unveiling the revamped Klingon pages.
December 2023
Continued struggling to embed my Klingon to Earth date calendar on the site.
December 2023
Really activated the old grey matter today in continuing to design a spreadsheet to calculate Klingon dates accurately. Almost have a public worthy version of Klingon to Earth. Realized the "semi-automatic" calculator I've been using for the last few months didn't account correctly for leap days, forgetting there's more to them than every four years. Will have to keep working on the ramifications of that for my Day of Honor calculations. But got a tremendous amount done today.
December 2023
Worked towards making a public Klingon date calculator. Really testing my Google Sheets skills on this one.
December 2023
month I added the January releases (Star Trek: Issue Sixteen; Defiant: Annual #1; SNW: The Scorpius
Run, Issue Five; and Picard's Academy: Issues Four and Five) to their appropriate
November 2023
Added DS9: The Dog of War to the DS9 Reading List, due to a reference in Defiant #8.
Finished typing out the update of the Klingon Holiday page! I just need to do a quick going over of the other Klingon pages before I'm ready to reveal the whole revamped version of this area of the site, and then be able to move on to other projects.
November 2023
This month I added the December releases (The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko; Star Trek: Issue Fifteen; Defiant: Issue Ten; SNW: The Scorpius Run, Issue Four; and Picard's Academy: Issue Three) to their appropriate lists.
Also added Defiant: Another Peice of the Action to the various reading lists. And continued work on the Day of Honor page. Getting close to done and very ready to be done to move on to some other update.
October 2023
Added the two newly announced novels to the Upcoming Releases page, and continued working on the Day of Honor page rewrite. Calculated about 60 Day of Honor datesfor the entire TNG-Legacy era.
October 2023
Worked more on the Day of Honor page rewrite. Things are really coming along.
October 2023
This month I added the November releases (Star
Trek: Issue Fourteen; Defiant: Issue Nine; SNW: The Scorpius Run, Issue Three; and Picard's Academy: Issue Two) to their appropriate lists.
I also added the short stories from Star Trek Explorer #8 to their approriate lists. Added Day of Blood, Star Trek: Glass and Bone, TMP: Echoes, and the short story Lost and Founder to the various Reading Lists, as they are all linked to the Lit-verse web.
September 2023
Continued rewriting the Klingon Day of Honor page, doing lots of calculations.
September 2023
Continued work on rewriting the Klingon Day of Honor page.
September 2023
This month I added the October releases (Star
Trek: Issue Thirteen; Defiant: Issue Eight; Picard's Academy: Issue One; and Holo-ween, Issues One thru Four) to their appropriate lists.
I also continued work on the Day of Honor page.
September 2023
Continued working on redoing my Klingon Holiday Speculation page, now that I have my calculator to help run through calculations rapidly.
August 2023
Finally finished what I'm calling a "semi-automatic" Klingon calendar calculator. It needs some, but very little, information figured out and then input into it to convert dates between the two calendar systems. This isn't polished for public sharing, but will allow me to get back to figuring out the Day of Honor system and run through conversion calculations far more rapidly than figuring them using my traditional ten step manual conversion process.
Future steps in this process will be to finish getting this to what I would call an "automatic" calculator that would figure out half of the current needed inputs itself, and then a "fully-automatic" calculator which would simply need the Earth date input and would then output the Klingon date in a normal "28th day of Maktag, Year of Kahless 997" format. That would be the point at which I would be ready to share the calculator publicly in some form.
August 2023
Added the Star Trek Book Club Upcoming Release page to the Trek Lit Links page. And continued working on my Klingon date calculator.It now works to within a very, very accurate margin, but requires several manual steps. My next process will be to automate as much as possible.
August 2023
Continued work on my Klingon date calculator. It's coming along...
August 2023
This month I added the September releases (PRO: Escape Route; Star
Trek: Issue Twelve; Defiant: Issue Seven;
TOS: Echoes, Issue Five; SNW: The Scorpius Run, Issue Two; and Day of Blood: Shax's Best Day) to their appropriate lists.
July 2023
Continued struggling with my Klingon Calendar spreadsheet. (Sigh.)
July 2023
So many calculations to do by hand to test out my Klingon Day of Honor system that after years of doing the calculations this way I finally broke down and started working on a spreadsheet to calculate them automatically. It also figures the leap year variable exactly instead of the estimate I've always been using. It's really cumbersome still, so will currently still just be for my private use, but hopefully can refine it in the future.
July 2023
Worked on my Klingon Day of Honor page again. I have the start of a new theory that matches all the evidence!
July 2023
This month I added the August releases (Star
Trek: Issue Eleven; Defiant: Issue Six; DS9: The Dog of War, Issue Five;
TOS: Echoes, Issue Four; and SNW: The Scorpius Run, Issue One) to their
approriate lists.
Continued working toward making updates to the Klingon Holiday Examination page.
June 2023
I've begun another attempt to make sense of the date of the Klingon Day of Honor. I was informed of a few more peices of evidence since the last time my Klingon Holiday page was up, so I'm attempting now to incorporate every shred of data into a coherant system for dating. I started this process by refamiliarizing myself with everything I've written in the past, after several years of not having all this info in front of me.
June 2023
I added my Patron OzTrekkie's Treklit related websites to the Trek Lit Links page.
June 2023
This month I added the July releases (Star Trek: Issue Ten; Defiant: Issue Five; DS9: The Dog of War, Issue Four; TOS: Echoes, Issue Three; and Day of Blood, Part One) to their approriate lists.
June 2023
Added Picard: Firewall to the Upcoming Novels page, as what we can assume is the first in a new wave of Trek novels finally starting to come out on a (hopefully) consistent basis again.
I also finished work on rearranging the sections of the updated TOS Reading List, adding a new section with another row of pictures to keep everything even and manageable.
June 2023
Updated the notes on TOS: Living Memory and TOS: See No Evil after reading Living Memory. I also added DC TNG Issues 67-70, which are linked by Living Memory.
Made some tweaks to the order of stories on the TOS Reading List to correspond to the new order of things I've recently changed in the 5YM Timeline.
May 2023
Added the short stories from Star Trek Explorer #7 to the Story Count page, and one of them, You Can't Buy Fate, to the DS9 Reading List. Also added Prelude to Day of Blood to the DS9 and TNG Reading Lists. I also added the stories from Star Trek #400 to their various reading lists, due to one of them being a prelude to Star Trek: Godshock. This linked the Kayla Detmer issue of Adventures in the 32nd Century as well.
I gave a hard date to "Is There in Truth No Beauty" in the 5YM Timeline, which I gleaned from The Higher Frontier. This inspired a couple of small changes in that area of the timeline.
May 2023
Finished the process of adjusting the final year of the 5YM Timeline. Rearranged about half of the stories to an order that makes sense, and no longer honors the months of down time required by Prime Directive.
May 2023
This month I added the June releases
(Star Trek, Issue Nine; Defiant, Issue Four; DS9: The
Dog of War, Issue Three; and TOS: Echoes, Issue Two) to their appropriate lists.
I've been distracted a few days working on a potential plan for honoring many of the odd stardates in TNG Season One.
May 2023
Added The Enterprise Murder Case to the TOS Reading Lists after finding out about a link to it in The Higher Frontier. Added Passage to Moauv, In Vino Veritas, and The Crier in Emptiness after finding out about a link to A Singular Destiny.
April 2023
Started the process of removing the consideration of Prime Directive's four month long story from the 5YM Timeline. It's the only of the Original Litverse stories which allowed the time requirements of to shape the other stories in the timeline, and so it just needed to be in the same category as the rest. Have adjusted things in late 2269 so far. Still have all of 2270 to look over and adjust. Ignore the work in progress!
April 2023
This month I added the May releases (Discovery: Somewhere to Belong; Star Trek, Issue Seven; Star Trek, Issue Eight; Star Trek Annual 2023; Defiant, Issue Three; DS9: The Dog of War, Issue Two; and TOS: Echoes, Issue One) to their appropriate lists.
Also added Star Trek Litverse Reading Guide bookmarks to the Patreon.
April 2023
Added Alien Spotlight: The Gorn to the TOS Reading List after finding a link between it and The Higher Frontier. Continued adding entries and notes for the ongoing Star Trek and Defiant series in the various reading lists.
Also created and ordered STLVRG bookmarks for Patrons. Details incoming.
March 2023
Thanks to my generous patrons, I had a logo designed for the site! I added to the main page, which ended up inspiring an revamping of the entire page, along with minor edits to the text throughout.
I also added the two short stories from the supplement of STE #6 to the story count pages. And I updated a few comic collection releases on the Upcoming Releases page.
March 2023
This month I added the April releases (Star Trek, Issue Six; Defiant, Issue Two; and DS9: The Dog of War, Issue One) to their appropriate lists.
March 2023
Updated the Story Count and 5YM Adventure Count pages with the six short stories published by FASA in Stardate Magazine in the mid 1980s. I somehow never came across these until now.
I also started the process of getting a logo for the site made, thanks to the generous contributions of my Patreon supporters.
February 2023
Updated the Upcoming Novels page with the now scheduled Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko.Added notes to the introductions of several reading lists regarding characters and storylines transfering to subsequent series reading lists. Added The Autobiography of Mr. Spock to the TOS Reading List.
February 2023
Added the first two short stories from Star Trek Explorer #6. Tweaked a few notes on the New Frontier Reading List.Added Dr Who: Assimilation² to the TNG Reading List after find a link to the Litverse web for it.
February 2023
Added the final two short stories from Star Trek Explorer #5 that I hadn't put in yet to their appropriate lists. Added TOS: Harm's Way to the TOS and Vanguard Reading Lists.
February 2023
This month I added the March releases which hadn't already been added due to delays (Resurgence, Issue Five; and SNW: The Illyrian Enigma, Issue Four) to their appropriate lists.
January 2023
I began the process of adding TOS: Harm's Way to all the appropriate pages of the site. I began by adding it to the 5YM Month-By-Month page. This inspired a few adjustments in the mid 2267 area to make everything fit, including moving Across the Universe to later in the year.
January 2023
I finished the New Frontier remodel, mobile page, and Simple Suggested Reading List!
January 2023
This month I added the February
releases (Strange New Worlds: The High Country; Star Trek, Issue Five; Resurgence, Issue Four; SNW: The Illyrian Enigma, Issue
Three; Defiant, Issue One; and Free Comic Book Day 2023, Parts One and Two) to their appropriate lists.
I added A Bad Day For Koloth into the TOS Reading List after finding a link to it in TOS: Harm's Way.
Continued work on the New Frontier Reading List remodel and mobile page. Almost done...
January 2023
Continued work on the New Frontier remodel and mobile page, in particular figuring out exact placements for the first half of the series in relation to specific episodes.
December 2022
After learning more about the previously unpublished Gold Key #62 story that Eaglemoss included in their Graphic Novel Collection, I've realized it shouldn't actually count as a new released story as it was still just uncompleted art and a separate script. I thought at the time that they had put everything together and released it as a finished comic. I've taken that story off the Story Count pages.
Also continued work on the New Frontier remodel and mobile page.
December 2022
Added The Romulan Stratagem to the TNG Reading Lists, after I discovered it contains a small reference to TNG: Strike Zone. This also made me notice I needed to tweak the placement of the nearby novel Requiem.
I also continued work on the remodel of the New Frontier Reading List and building the mobile page. About half done! To see the work in progress and a few other currently unfinished pages, become a patron on Patreon at the Lt. Cmdr. level or above.
December 2022
I added two of the four stories from Explorer Issue 4 to the Story Count pages. I continued working on the New Frontier mobile page and remodel.
December 2022
I did some research on a few entries that hasn't yielded any results yet. But I did begin work on revamping the New Frontier Reading List. A mobile page and simple suggested reading list will follow shortly after that.Compared to how long it took to completely remodel the TOS Reading List, this one is going to be a breeze!
December 2022
This month I added the January releases (Prodigy: A Dangerous Trade; Prodigy: Supernova; Star Trek, Issue Four; Resurgence, Issue Three; and SNW: The Illyrian Enigma, Issue Two) to their appropriate lists.
December 2022
I added the newly announced Star Trek ongoing trade collection to the Upcoming Releases page. I adjusted some metadata to various pages.And I also added the Ongoing storyline "Godshock" to the TNG and DS9 Reading Lists.
November 2022
Added the DC TNG comics issues 71-75 and 77-80 to the TNG Reading List now that I read them and found various links. This inspired a fresh look and a bit of a rearrangement of the order of the first have of 2371 TNG stories.
These additions, along with all the recent mirror universe stories I've added to the TNG page have made each of the sections of the page a lot larger than sections normally are, so I separated everything into one additional section, allowing me to also add another row of cover photos.
November 2022
Added The Tears of the Singers to the TOS Reading Lists and 5YM Timeline.
November 2022
This month I added the December releases (TOS: Harm's Way; Star Trek, Issue Three; Resurgence, Issue Two; and SNW: The Illyrian Enigma, Issue One) to their appropriate lists.
November 2022
Finished adding all of IDW's mirror universe tales to the reading lists. A chronological nightmare.
October 2022
Updated the Upcoming Release page with another Prodigy story, and put the short stories from Explorer Supplement #4 into the Story Count pages. Added PIC: Second Self to the Picard Reading List.
Continued work on adding all of IDW's TNG mirror universe tales to the TNG Reading List. Finished the first two miniseries.
October 2022
This month I added the November
releases (PIC: Stargazer, Issue Three; Lower Decks, Issue Three; and Star
Trek, Issue Two, and Resurgence, Issue One) to their appropriate lists.
I also added new books and comic collections to the Upcoming Releases page.
And I began work on adding all of IDW's TNG mirror universe tales, now that they were linked to the Lit-verse web by the Mirror War: Troi issue.
September 2022
I finished work on the remodel of the individual Story Count pages! Now to decide what my next project will be...
September 2022
I updated the Story Count page with the new short stories from Star Trek Explorer #4. I also added all the relevant Explorer short stories to the "How Many Five Year Mission Stories Are There" page, which I had been forgetting to do.
And I continued work on the remodel of the individual story count pages. Only 18 more to go.
September 2022
This month I added the October releases (PIC: Stargazer, Issue Two; Lower Decks, Issue Two; and Star Trek, Issue 1) to their appropriate lists.
And I continued work on the remodel of the individual story count pages. Only 33 more to go.
September 2022
The 25ooth individual Star Trek tie in story came out today as the first tale in the Star Trek #400 Special Issue. Fittingly, it was a touching tribute to the crew that started it all! I added the six stories in the issue to the Story Count pages.
September 2022
Added PIC: Stargazer to the Picard Reading List. I also added pictures for that story and No Man's Land. Fellow Timeliner and TrekBBS user Jinn clued me in on a link between TOS: Crisis on Centaurus and TOS: Seasons of Light and Darkness, so the later was added to the TOS Reading List.
And I continued work on the remodel of the individual story count pages. Only 48 more to go.
August 2022
Added PIC: No Man's Land to the Picard Reading List.
Continued working on the remodel of the individual story count pages. Only 60 more to go.
August 2022
Slowly continued work on the remodel of the story count pages. Only 63 more individual pages to go.
August 2022
I added PIC: Rogue Elements to the Picard Reading List, now that I've read it and found a link to the wider Litverse.
Continued remodeling the individual story count pages. I tweaked some of the organization of the UK comics page.
August 2022
This month I added the September releases (PIC: Second Self, Mirror War: Troi, and LD: Issue One) to their appropriate lists.
Have yet to add the stories in Star Trek #400, as I don't yet have any info on them. Due to shifting schedules, the first story in the Star Trek #400 Special will now be the 2500th Trek story ever published, instead of the second story.
Slowly started making my way through remodeling all the individual story count pages, getting rid of any weird formatting and coding issues.
July 2022
It's a bit late, but I went back and figured out that the 1000th Star Trek TOS story ever published was the finally released Issue #62 of the Gold Key comics which was published in Eaglemoss's Graphic Novel Collection #124 on August 6, 2020. The story was named "Trial By Fire." It's too bad I didn't notice this accomplishment when it was new. I also haven't even been able to get my hands on a copy to confirm that what was printed is actually worthy of being called an official story, but that is my current understanding.
July 2022
Finished the remodel and organization of the main Story Count page. I gave the Prometheus series its' own category. I also merged the pages for Star Trek Magazine and Titan Books, as I realized they are published by the same company. Will begin the remodel of the individual story count pages next, probably currently the ugliest pages on the site do to some kind of formatting errors.
July 2022
Have been starting out my remodel of the Story Count pages by double checking everything. All the numbers on the main page are now definitely correct. And this means that the 2500th individual Star Trek story ever published will be released in September. Currently planned to be released on September 7th are Mirror War: Troi and the IDW 400th Special Issue, which will have multiple short comic stories in one special issue. As I've been in the habit of entering the longer running comic series first when two comics release on the same day, Mirror War: Troi will count as "Story 2498." So whatever the second short comic story in the 400th Issue Special is will be the 2500th Star Trek story published. I'm going to do some digging and some reaching out to see if I can find out what that story will be before the issue is released, so as to potentially make a big deal out of this big occasion.
Sadly, when I was redoing the math for all the series' totals, I discovered a huge error, and apparently I missed the 1000th TOS story to be published sometime within the last year or so. I have to dig back and figure out what story that would have been.
July 2022
This month I added the August releases (Mirror War, Issue 8, Picard: Stargazer, Issue One, The Trill one-shot, and The Girl Who Made the Stars) to their appropriate lists.
I also added The Children of Kings to the TOS Reading List. I had specifically left it, the Shatnerverse, and Crucible off the site originally, but I slowly changed my thinking on the site's format over the years, and all those things need added in eventually.
I also added the two Psycho-Files from Gold Key's Enterprise Logs to the TOS Reading List and 5YM Timeline, as the Kirk one shares a reference with TOS: The Captain's Oath.
I also tweaked two things: the placement and notes on the stories from New Worlds, New Civilization after having read that book a few months back; and braking up Captain Proton: Defender of Earth into several shorter stories instead of one novel on the story count pages.
And I added VOY: Echoes to the Voyager Reading List, as I found out it references the events of Mosaic.
Finally, I started work on my next big project, a remodel of the Story Count pages, as we approach 2500 published Star Trek stories.
July 2022
Added TOS: The Brain-Damaged Planet to the TOS Reading Lists and 5YM Timeline, as it shares a reference with TOS: The Captain's Oath.
June 2022
Added the TOS Simple Suggested Reading Lists! Going to take care of some odds and ends over the next few weeks, and then on to the next big project!
June 2022
This month I added the July release (Mirror War, Issue 7) to its' appropriate lists.
Started work on the TOS Recommended Reading Lists.
June 2022
Double checked the updated TOS Reading List against the 5YM Timeline page and tweaked a couple of entries placements and color codings to make everything consistent between the two pages.
May 2022
It's complete! The TOS mobile page is online! Both it and the regular TOS page have been meticulously checked over for the first time since the site was launched nine years ago. Every fact has been checked over. Uniformly formatted and organized, and with new book covers. This one was a monster to complete. A few behind the scenes tweaks soon, and I'll be moving on to TOS Recommended Reading Lists.
May 2022
Finished making my way through creating the TOS mobile page. Now just some final tweaks and it will be ready for publishing!
May 2022
Made tremendous progress on the TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page. Getting close to finished!
May 2022
This month I added the June releases (The Mirror War: Sisko and DIS: Adventures in the 32nd Century,
Issue 4) and last month's Ferengi comic, to their appropriate lists.
May 2022
Adjusted the dates on the Upcoming Novels page for books which have been delayed. Continued work on the TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page.
April 2022
Continued working on the TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page. This precipitated a change in my thinking on the extent of what should be categorized as "Original Lit-verse", and so I removed the second TOS DC Comics series, and several linked comics and novels from that category. More interesting changes are on the way in this regard, after I finish my current, and a couple of other pressing projects.
April 2022
Continued working on the TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page.
April 2022
Continued working on the TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page. Also added the Star Trek Explorer Issue 2 Supplement short stories to the story count pages.
April 2022
This month I added the May releases (The Mirror War, Issue 6 and DIS: Adventures in the 32nd Century,
Issue 3) to their appropriate lists, along with April's Star Trek Explorer Issue 2 short stories.
Continued working on the TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page. Up through the area around Star Trek IV in my work, rechecking and reformatting all info.
I also added a simple page listing the upcoming novels that have been announced, as no one else on line seems to be keeping an updated page for this anymore.
April 2022
Continued work on the TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page.
March 2022
I added the recent Klingons comic to the "General Star Trek" Reading List. I continued working on the TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page, including removing TOS: Death Count from the lists due to the link I previously had turning out to be a mistake.
March 2022
This month I added the April releases (The Mirror War, Issue 5 and DIS: Adventures in the 32nd Century, Issue 2) to their appropriate lists.
Continued working on the TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page.
February 2022
Continued working on the TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page.
February 2022
Completed tweaking the Story Count pages regarding audio based stories.
February 2022
This month I added the March releases (The Mirror War: Geordi and DIS: Adventures the 32nd Century, Issue 1) and February's just announced PIC: No Man's Land to their appropriate lists.
As No Man's Land has brought the format to the forefront again, I decided to go back and add the older audio dramas to the Story Count pages. Seventeen stories were added, though I may continue to tweak my thinking on this sometime soon.
February 2022
Added the Star Trek Explorer short story "All That Most Maddens and Torments" and the old Marvel comic "Experiment in Vengeance!" to the TOS Reading List. Continued work on my TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page.
January 2022
Continued work on my TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page. Shuffled the order of a few novels in the post-TMP era for better flow.
January 2022
Continued work on my TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page. Removed TOS: Home is the Hunter as I could not find any definitive link between it and SCE: The Future Begins despite the author noting some form of reference.
January 2022
Finished adding a handful of DS9 stories I finally found links to recently by putting in the young adult novel DS9: The Star Ghost, the young adult novel DS9: Stowaways, DS9: Betrayal, and DS9: Valhalla.
Continued work on my TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page.
January 2022
Was able to add the novelizations for Star Trek: Klingon, the novelization of DS9: Emissary, the young adult novel DS9: Arcade, and The Autobiography of Jean-Luc Picard due to a link I found out about recently.
January 2022
This month I added the February releases (Klingons, and The Mirror War, Issue Four) to their appropriate lists.
December 2021
Continued work on the TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page.
December 2021
The Lit-verse is dead. Long live the Lit-verse.
December 2021
This month I added the January release (The Mirror War, Issue Three) to its' appropriate lists.
December 2021
Continued work on the TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page. I also finally found a link from the Litverse to a web of around a half a dozen DS9 stories from the 90s which I've known for quite a while shared references between each other, but I couldn't ever link them to the wider continuity web of Treklit. Will be adding these newly linked stories soon.
November 2021
I made the reference note on TNG: Intellivore a bit more specific and continued work on the TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page.I now have to the end of The Original Series remodeled.
November 2021
I added the short story A Night Infrom Star Trek Explorer #1, as it referenced A Stitch in Time. Continued work on the TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page.
November 2021
I fixed the order of Mission to Horatius and The Trouble With Tribbles on the 5YM Timeline, as I had mistakenly placed Mission to Horatius before The Trouble With Tribbles. I added TNG: Shadows Have Offended to the TNG Reading List, as it uses the Litverse Andorian naming system. Continued working on the TOS Reading List remodel and mobile page.
November 2021
This month I added the December releases (DS9: Revenant and The Mirror War: Data) to their appropriate lists.
October 2021
Added The Janus Gate trilogy to the TOS Reading List and the 5YM Timeline, as they were referenced in Coda: The Ashes of Tomorrow. Added the DS9 short stories The Last Tree on Ferenginar and Shadowed Allies to the DS9 Reading List after I noticed links between those stories and the DS9 Post-Finale Series.
October 2021
I added four stories to the story count pages which fell under my radar accidentally over the last several months. The Autobiography of Mr. Spock, and the three TOS comics printed for the first time in the final few issues of the Graphic Novel Collection.
I also continued work on the TOS Reading List remodel. I removed A Bad Day For Koloth, as the reference I had believed linked it to the Lit-verse doesn't actually exist upon further investigation.
October 2021
Continued work on the TOS Reading List remodel. One new thing of note: I added a specific entry for the Pawns of War: Balance of Terror adaptation to the page.
October 2021
Changed the name of the DS9/TNG Crossover comics to "The Landmark Crossover." And continued work on the TOS mobile page and reformat. I should note if I haven't here before that as I've been building these mobile pages without hover text, that I've been going over each link between stories, checking them for accuracy and making them as specific as necessary.
October 2021
This month I added the November releases (Coda: Oblivion's Gate, TNG: Mirror War, Issue 3, and the four Star Trek Explorer #1 short stories) to their appropriate lists. So this month will have the most individual stories released in the last two and half years. And sadly, Coda: Oblivion's Gate may be the last time I add a brand new story to the main Lit-verse Reading List pages.
October 2021
Continued work on the Original Series mobile page and remodel. Removed Extrocomp's "Treklit Names" pages, which are now kept updated on the Trek BBS. Adjusted the placement of Mosaic in the Voyager Reading List.
September 2021
Continued work on the Original Series mobile page and remodel. Added TNG: Collateral Damage to the Titan Reading List. Only days away from the start of Coda!
September 2021
I added The Weight of Worlds to the TOS Reading List and 5YM Timeline. Began work on the TOS Reading List Mobile page. Removed Bum Radish from the TOS Reading List, as I could find no evidence that the story was linked to the Lit-verse, despite its' presence in this project going all the way back to the "Charting the Lit-verse" Trek BBS thread.
September 2021
This month I added October's releases (Coda: The Ashes of Tomorrow, and TNG: Mirror
War, Issue 1) to their appropriate lists.
September 2021
Added new pictures throughout the TOS Reading List page.
August 2021
Continued working on some behind the scenes stuff moving forward on the TOS Reading List remodel.
August 2021
I did alot of behind the scenes work towards getting new images added to the TOS Reading List.
And I added the Trek Novels website to the TrekLit Links page.
August 2021
Added Year Five: The Raptor's Wings to the TOS Reading List and the 5YM Timeline. Added Section 31: Control to the TNG Reading List. Updated the name of the "Complete Pocket Books Novel List" to the "Classic Simon and Schuster Novel List." Added More Beautiful Than Death to the Simple Kelvin Universe Reading List.
I removed the Complete List of Discovery Tie-ins, as that's not a page I have been keeping up with for quite some time, and wasn't too informative anyway.
I also added pictures of the two Galaxy class models I got last December to the Scale Star Trek Model Collection page.
Finally, I started work on the TOS Reading List reorganization and mobile page by tweaking the introduction.
August 2021 This month I added September's release (Coda: Moments Asunder) to its' appropriate lists. I added the other two Coda novels to the various reading lists as well.
I made some minor changes to the "Simple Post-Nemesis Reading List" Order and added the Coda trilogy. I also made some minor changes on the TNG and DS9 Reading Lists as to where the breaks in sections take place in order to space everything out evenly again after some additions here and there over the months.
August 2021
I added a few of the short New Visions tales that somehow I didn't have recorded in the Story Count pages, and also added them to the "How Many Five Year Mission Stories Are There?" page.
July 2021
I added submenus to the menu bar on the left!
I also moved TOS: First Frontier on the TOS Timeline and Reading List, based on a new placement for the story, and added a few of the recent Year Five comics to the TOS Timeline and Reading List.
July 2021
This month I added August's releases which I didn't already have listed (PIC: Rogue Elements, and TNG: Mirror War, Issue 0) to their appropriate lists.
Added TOS: Living Memory and TOS: The Rings of Tautee to the TOS Reading List.I also tweaked the wording on the introductions of the TNG, DS9, and VOY Reading Lists.
July 2021
Finished updating my DS9 Recommended Reading List page.
I also added my reflections on the Coda trilogy in light of my whole Star Trek fandom. It's the "Star Trek Comes To An End" page on the left.
June 2021
Started working on updating my DS9 Recommendations page in the style that I settled upon for the TNG Recommendations page. The hardest part was condensing post-Destiny DS9 to ten books for one of the lists!
June 2021
Completed my Simple TNG Suggested Reading Lists!
June 2021
This month I added the July releases (TNG: Shadows Have Offended, and TOS: Year Five, Issue 25) to their appropriate lists.
June 2021
Finally finished the TNG Reading List rewrite and the mobile friendly page! Started working on TNG Reading List Recommendations.
May 2021
Almost finished working on the TNG Reading List revamp and mobile page construction.
May 2021
Kept working on the TNG Reading List revamp and mobile page construction.
May 2021
This month I added the June releases (TOS: Living Memory and TOS: Year Five- Ithaca, Part Three) to their appropriate lists.
May 2021
Made more progress on my TNG Reading List revamp and mobile page construction.
April 2021
Made it through another considerable chunk of my building my TNG Reading List mobile page.
April 2021
Made it to the halfway point on my TNG Reading List mobile page and revamp. I also tweaked the name of the TNG DC Comic "Worst of Both Worlds" in my Story Count pages, and removed the duplicate entry of The Higher Frontier from the TOS Reading List.
April 2021
Worked on the TNG Reading List mobile page and revamp a bit more.
April 2021
Continued work on the TNG Reading List mobile page and revamp.
April 2021
This month I added the May releases (DIS: Borderlands, TOS: Year Five, Issue 22, and TOS: Year Five, Issue 23) to their appropriate lists.
Also continued work on the TNG Reading List mobile page and revamp.
April 2021
Continued work on the TNG Reading List page mobile page and revamp.
March 2021
Finished tweaking thing on the DS9 Reading Lists with my style guide in mind. Now I'm ready to resume work on the TNG Reading List revamp.
March 2021
Worked on the DS9 Reading Lists a bit more. Almost ready to resume work on the TNG Reading List revamp.
March 2021
Started going of the DS9 Reading List, making slight changes according to my style guide.
Also deleted Dorian's Diary from the DS9 Reading List. Mistakenly thought it was referred to in the text of SCE: The Future Begins, but was only mentioned in the Scotty timeline at the end.
March 2021
This month I added the April release (TOS: Year Five, Issue 21) to all it's appropriate lists.
February 2021
Finished my Simple DS9 Reading Lists. Added Year Five #17 to the TOS Month-By-Month Timeline and the TOS Reading List.
February 2021
Finished going over the Voyager pages with my style guide in mind and made a couple of tiny changes. Started work on the "Simple DS9 Reading Lists."
February 2021
Strangely there will be no new releases in March, either of books or comics. So nothing to update the site for this month in that regard.
I also went back and starting with Enterprise added "Simple Reading List" pages. Voyager is also up. These will continue to be added as I work my way through the revamp of the various pages.
February 2021
Finished writing my style guide. While everything was fresh in my mind, I went back to the Picard, Discovery, Enterprise, and Voyager Reading Lists, and changed a bit of wording here and there. Will continue with the DS9 page before I get back to the TNG Reading List revamp.
February 2021
After all these years, I finally took a few hours and created a style guide for myself for the notes in my Reading Lists. This will help make sure the wording and note order is consistent throughout the site.
Worked on a few wording changes in the notes for the Prey trilogy now that I completed reading them.
Continued work on revamping the TNG Reading List and creating the mobile page.
January 2021
Continued work on revamping the TNG Reading List and creating the mobile page.
January 2021
Continued work on revamping the TNG Reading List and creating the mobile page.
January 2021
I added nine more issue of the DC TNG comics, as I continue reading them and finding links. Issues 25-28, 30-31, and 33-35 are all linked to existing stories.
I also continued work on revamping the TNG Reading List and creating the mobile page.
January 2021
This month I added the February releases (TOS: Year Five- Issue 20 and VOY: Seven's Reckoning- Issue 4) to all their appropriate pages.
I added The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway to the Voyager Reading List. I added Die Standing to the Discovery Reading List. And I tweaked the notes on PIC: The Dark Veil now that it has been released.
Continued work on the TNG Reading List revamp and mobile page.
January 2021
Continued work on revamping the TNG Reading List and creating the mobile page.
December 2020
Added the Voyager: Flashback novelization to the Voyager Reading List. It contains a reference to the Kudao Massacre from The Undiscovered Country novelization. Added the DC comics trilogy #36-38 to the TNG Reading List. It is referenced as backstory in Prey: The Jackal's Trick. Added The Higher Frontier to the TOS Reading List.
Created a Picard Reading List page and mobile page.
I started work on a TNG Reading List mobile page/ revamp.
December 2020
Updated the DS9 Reading List with the details I adjusted while making the mobile page.
December 2020
I finished the DS9 mobile page!
December 2020
This month I added the January releases (PIC: The Dark Veil, TOS: Year Five- Issue 19, and VOY: Seven's Reckoning- Issue 3) to all their appropriate pages.
Adjusted some dates on the Discovery chronology page after the recent revelation that the Discovery disapeared in 2258. And tweaked a few notes related to the Prey trilogy, as I am currently reading it.
November 2020
Continued work on the DS9 mobile page. Getting quite close to done.
November 2020
Continued work on the DS9 mobile page. Plan to be more actively focused on this project again in the coming days and weeks.
November 2020
This month I added the December releases (TOS: Year Five Issue 18, and VOY: Seven's Reckoning, Issue 2) to all their appropriate pages.
Continued work on the DS9 mobile page.
October 2020
Continued work on the DS9 mobile page.
October 2020
This month I added the November releases
(TOS: A Contest of Principles, TOS: Year Five, Issue 16, TOS: Year Five, Issue 17, and VOY: Seven's Reckoning, Issue 1) to all their
appropriate pages.
I also continued work on the DS9 mobile page.
September 2020
Extrocomp pointed out that the formatting of his Trek Lit Names pages had been lost in translation between his documents and being published on the site, and I got that problem fixed. They look alot nicer now!
September 2020
Continued work on the DS9 mobile page.
September 2020
Continued work on the DS9 mobile page, and adjusted the placement of a few of the most recent Year Five comics in the 5yM Timeline and TOS Reading List.
September 2020
This month I added the October releases
(VOY: To Lose the Earth, TOS: Year Five, Issue 15, and DS9: Too Long a Sacrifice, Issue 4) to all their
appropriate pages.
August 2020
Updated some wording on the intros to the Enterprise, Voyager, and DS9 Reading Lists. Started work on the DS9 mobile page.
August 2020
I worked on the introductions to the Enterprise and Voyager Reading Lists. And most importantly I'm finally caught up on the little projects and distractions I've been working on for a while, and I'm ready to continue work on refreshing all the Reading List pages and creating mobile versions of each. Today I went over a few details on the completed pages before starting work on a DS9 mobile page.
August 2020
Finished updating a few details about the Original Lit-verse on the TNG page. Added info to the intro. Added War Drums to the TNG Reading List. Updating what counts as Original Litverse on the 5YM Timeline adjusted the episode Metamorphosis from May to April of 2267.
August 2020
Finished updating a few details on the Original Lit-verse info on the TOS page. Started a few tweaks in the regard on the TNG page, but haven't finished yet.
August 2020
Began to update a few details regarding the Original Litverse; what the parameters of the era are, how they are numbered, and how it is all denoted here.
August 2020
This month I added the September releases
(TOS: Year Five, Issue 14, and DS9: Too Long a Sacrifice, Issue 3) to their
appropriate lists.
July 2020
Made a few final tweaks to the Year Five placements on my Month By Month page.
Added the third portion of Star Trek Unlimited #8 that I had never gotten around to placing on the Early 24th Century Reading List. Also added Garth of Izar to the TOS Reading List and 5YM Timeline, as the USS Heisenberg being Garth's ship was referenced in Discovery: Dead Endless.
July 2020
Reorganized the order of the Marvel comics on the DS9 Reading List page. Especially the Starfleet Academy comics now that I've read them and really analyzed their placements over the last few weeks.
Also added the first eleven issues of Year Five to the 5YM Timeline and the TOS Reading List. The Aegis from other Gary Seven stories is mentioned in Issue 11.
July 2020
Finally started making some concrete moves after spending quite a while studying the placements of all the Marvel Comics lately. I adjusted the precise episodes a few Voyager comics took place between, and moved the order of the Splashdown miniseries to later down the timeline.
July 2020
This month I added the August releases (Kelvin: More Beautiful Than Death and DS9: Too Long a Sacrifice, Issue 2) which I didn't already have from before the comics delay, to their appropriate lists.
June 2020
Added a Malibu DS9 Comic I didn't know about to the story count pages. I never noticed that there was an original story in the Ashcan Preview issue. Added Discovery: Dead Endless and the Annual #1 to the Discovery Reading List.
June 2020
Added two TOS stories to the TOS Reading List and the 5YM timeline. Shadows on the Sun and Year Four: The Enterprise Experiment use the same name for McCoy's ex wife as Enterprise: The First Adventure.
June 2020
I added two novels to the TOS Reading List and the 5YM Timeline. The Great Starship Race, as that race is mentioned in New Earth: Wagon Train to the Stars, and Agents of Influence, which features the USS Endeavor from Vanguard and Seekers. This did necessitate a few small alterations in that area of the timeline, but nothing major.
June 2020
This month I added the July releases (DIS: Die Standing, TOS: Year Five, Issue 13, and DS9: To Long a Sacrifice, Issue One) to their appropriate lists. The comics were already added, but are finally coming out this month.
I updated the names of the issues of Year Five in the places they are listed, to reflect the names of the arcs in the trade paperbacks, which are not actually given in the individual issues.
I added the short story Assignment: One to the General Star Trek Reading List, as it uses the same name for Gary Seven's organization from Assignment: Eternity.
Uploaded a couple new ship pictures to the record of my 1:5000 scale starship collection.
Added TOS: Legacy to the TOS Reading List and 5YM Timeline. Meratakken brandy from Legacy is referenced in TNG: Reunion. This addition required a few small adjustments in the timeline in early 2268.
Added TOS: Faces of Fire to the TOS Reading List and 5YM Timeline. Beta Canzandia referenced in New Worlds, New Civilizations short story Ashes, Ashes.
Added TNG: Contamination to the TNG Reading List as it references the Kreel from Strike Zone.
May 2020
I finally finished the revamp of my "How Many Five Year Mission Adventures Are There?" page. Can move on to some other improvements!
May 2020 This month I added the June release
(TOS: Agents of Influence) to its' appropriate lists.
I also continued work on the "How Many Five Year Mission Stories Are There" page.
May 2020
Continued working on the "How Many Five Year Mission Stories Are There" page, and moved the location of the novel Ishmael in my 5YM Timeline page.
April 2020
Still working on the "How Many Five Year Mission Stories Are There" page. I realized today what I'm trying to do is a bigger project that I originally realized. I'll get done eventually!
April 2020
I continued working on updating the "How Many Five Year Mission Stories Are There" page, but still not done yet. I also made a few changes on the Trek Lit Links page, fixing some old links and adding the Trek Book Club. Also added a specific name for the Year Five: Valentine's Day Special to the story count pages.
April 2020
Due to the delay in comics, and there not being a regularly scheduled novel released in May, there are no new Trek stories to add to the site this month. Hopefully this will not be repeated in future months.
April 2020
My pal Extrocomp has sent another update for the "Treklit names" pages. He noticed the text on those pages was almost impossible to read since I updated the style of the website. So I also fixed that.
March 2020
As I was working on an updated and documented count of the "How Many Five Year Mission Stories Are There" I noticed I had "The Final Frontier" counted as a novel and a novelization in the story count pages. Removing that brought the total count down one.
March 2020
This month I added the April releases (KEL: The Order of Peace, TOS: Year Five, Issue 13, and DS9: To Long a Sacrifice, Issue One) to their appropriate lists.
I also removed the separate color of what I was calling the "Byrne-verse" in the TOS Reading List and the 5YM Month By Month Timeline. I decided there's no reason to differentiate that continuity branch from any of the others.
And I finished readjusting the order of things on the TOS Reading List in response to my new version of the 5YM Timeline.
February 2020
I started working on readjusting the order of things on the TOS Reading List based on my "version 2.0" of the Five Year Mission- Month By Month timeline.
I also added Star Trek Log Ten and The Modala Imperative to the Month by Month Timeline. I somehow missed The Modala Imperative before now, and I am going to be adding Log Ten to the Reading List based on the fact that it references the expanded events of Log Seven.
February 2020
Big update today, as I finally uploaded my Five Year Mission- Month By Month Timeline Version 2.0. This is my definitive take on the Lit-verse version of the Five Year Mission. If you haven't seen already, this is the document I am using to journey through the 5YM week by week for the next five years on Twitter, following the Enterprise on her adventures in real time. @startrek5ym
I also made the choice to remove my long abandoned Post Nemesis- Month By Month page. Check out the page for the reasons. They might not be what you'd expect.
February 2020
I tweaked the order of a few books on the Simple Post-Nemesis Reading List, based on a suggestion a reader made, and some feelings I had after reading a few books in "Chapter 5".
February 2020
This month I added the March releases (TOS: The Higher Frontier, TOS: Year Five, Issue 12, and TOS: Hell's Mirror) to their appropriate lists.
I also tweaked the Discovery novels listed in the TOS Reading List, and added The Captain's Oath, which I've still not gotten to read, but I know references things in the Lit-verse.
January 2020
I added TNG: Hive to the TNG, Voyager, and Titan Reading Lists.
January 2020
This month I added the February releases (PIC: Last Best Hope, TOS: Year Five Issue 11, and TOS: Year Five Valentine's Day Special) to their appropriate lists.
December 2019
This month I added the January releases (TOS: Year Five, Issue 10 and PIC: Countdown, Issue 3) to their appropriate lists. I also added the three recent Short Treks to the Discovery pages.
November 2019
This month I added the December releases (DIS: Dead Endless, TOS: Year Five, Issue 9, and PIC: Countdown, Issue 2) to their appropriate lists.
Also changed the name of the second volume of Year Five to The Wine-Dark Deep. I switched the order of TNG: Takedown and DS9: The Missing in the Simple Post-Nemesis Reading List now that I have read them, and adjusted all the reading lists to reflect the order I have modified the Simple Reading List to in recent months.
October 2019
Changed the order of a few books on the Simple Post-Nemesis Reading List, after having read a handful of new ones recently. I also added the recent comic TNG: The Sky's the Limit released in the Picard BluRay to the story count pages.
October 2019
Updated new pics for my recent additions to my custom scale starship collection.
October 2019
I added DC TNG comics 16-17 to the TNG Reading List. Continuing to find links as I read through them.
October 2019
This month I added the November releases (TOS: Year Five, Issue 8, and PIC: Countdown, Issue 1) to their appropriate lists. A whole new series of tie-in fiction!
September 2019
Back to basics on updates. I added nine new stories to the TNG Reading List. As I continue reading the DC TNG comics, I've found links for issues 7-15. I also added both The Modala Imperative miniseries, which are linked to TOS: The Disinherited.
September 2019
I finally finished getting all the formatting fixed on the Complete Pocket Books Novel List. Now I'll be finally getting back to making more substantial changes.
September 2019
Tweaked the notes for the Prometheus trilogy as I've continued reading thru them.
September 2019
This month I added the September releases (TNG: Collateral Damage, Year Five: Issue 7, and DIS: Aftermath, Issue 3) to their appropriate lists.
August 2019
I added The Enterprise War to the Discovery Reading List as it references several things from other stories (most notably Number One's name Una from the Legacies trilogy). Still working on reformatting that Pocket Books novel list.
August 2019 This month I added the August releases
(TOS: Year Five, Issue 6, and DIS:
Aftermath, Issue 2) to their appropriate lists.
I looks like David Mack, Dayton Ward, and the Treklit editors are developing a master plan to reconcile the Lit-verse with the new canon late 24th century. I am very hopeful that we will all enjoy one last epic Lit-verse story in the near future.
August 2019
Updated some names on the story count pages, including adding the UK Comics names that were given to the unnamed originals in the recent omnibus reprints.
August 2019
TrekBBS user Extrocomp has updated the Treklit names lists on the right side of the main page. He's added info from the Dark Matters novels, The Way to the Stars, The Captain's Oath, Star Trek: Attack Wing, Star Trek: Fleet Command, the just-released The Enterprise War and a few other sources. I thank him again for partnering with me to host all his hard work on this site.
July 2019
Worked on formatting issues on the "Complete Pocket Books Novel List" page again. It's a long project fixing all the formatting issues in this mess.
July 2019
This month I added the August releases (TOS: The Antares Maelstrom, TOS: Year Five, Issue 5, and DIS: Aftermath, Issue 1) to the story count pages.
June 2019
Worked on some formatting issues on the "Complete Pocket Books Novel List" page that became apparent when I changed website styles last month. I only made it threw some of the issues but I will continue getting that page in perfect condition soon.
June 2019
Worked up a new Day of Honor dating system after my first published version was proven to be missing a key piece of data that ruined the whole theory. But just as I was wrapping up this less elegant new version, discovered two new pieces of data that I really should have taken into account. I just took the entire Klingon holiday page down for now, as I am tired of the whole project for now. I may come back to it in the future, but for now that page is just not in a publishable state.
June 2019
This month I added the July releases (DIS: The Enterprise War, Little Golden Books: Too Many Tribbles!, and Year Five, Issue 4) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages.
May 2019
Added a custom domain name. The old domain still works also. And added a mobile friendly website format. Revamped the style of the site along with everything. Thanks to all my patrons for this huge development. I will still be continuing the make the content of the lists more accessible by mobile browser slowly but surely.
May 2019
Added the mobile version of the Voyager Reading List and continued the slight tweaks I'm doing to each page as I copy things over to the mobile pages.
May 2019
I finally added the stories from the 2019 Waypoint Special to the story count pages.
May 2019
This month I added the June releases (The Q Conflict, Issue 6 and TOS: Year Five, Issue 3) to the story count pages.
Added Captain Saru to the Discovery Reading List due to references to two Discovery novels.
April 2019
The Discovery Chronology page is now updated with all my thoughts on the entire second season.
Added four new TOS novels to the TOS Reading List- The Disinherited, The Klingon Gambit, and Mutiny on the Enterprise (all connected by reference to the TMP novelization), and Double, Double, which shares a referenced to DS9: The Wrath of the Prophets.
April 2019
I added the Prometheus trilogy as part of the expanded storyline of the TNG Reading List, as they include Spock and Alexander as prominent characters.
I also added the three X-Men crossovers, as Pandrilites from TNG Reunion are mentioned in the novel, and all three crossovers share references.
April 2019
This month I added the May releases (TOS: The Captain's Oath, The Q Conflict, Issue 5, and TOS: Year Five, Issue 2) to their appropriate lists and the story count pages.
Interestingly, this batch of new stories puts us up to 2364 published, individually branded Star Trek stories.
I updated all the Discovery pages with info from the latest episodes.
Still hoping for a big announcement here in a few weeks or months, though it's taking alot longer than I'd like for everything to fall into place...
March 2019
Made a few tweaks to the Voyager page in preparation of creating the mobile version of that page. More to come.
March 2019
I rearranged the order of the General Star Trek page to have the "recent" releases in correct chronological order.
Also added Blood and Honor (the Malibu comic) to the DS9 page as it was referenced in Prometheus, Book 1.
March 2019
Added the Enterprise mobile page, and made a few tweaks to the Enterprise page. I'll be going over everything, making tiny tweaks as I keep making these mobile friendly versions.
March 2019
Started the slow but rewarding process of making copies of all the reading list pages that presently the "hover text" info in bulleted form instead, making them mobile-friendly. Started with the Discovery page.
And note this is NOT the huge announcement I'm hoping to be able to make sometime soon.
March 2019
I added the last four episodes of Discovery to their appropriate pages, including a chronological evaluation of each.
March 2019
This month I added the April releases (TNG: Available Light, TOS: Year Five, Issue One, and The Q Conflict, Part 4) to their appropriate timelines, lists, and the story count pages.
Really hoping to be able to have something really cool to announce here soon, just waiting on it to become official!
February 2019
Continuing my addition of novelizations, I added Star Trek Logs One, Three, Five, and Seven to the TOS Reading List due to references in DTI: Forgotten History. I also rearranged their episode orders in the TOS Reading List and the 5 Year Mission: Month by Month page to align with the order presented in those books.
February 2019
I tweaked some of the company names on the Story Count page to more accurately reflect who published what. For example I changed Pocket Books to Simon and Schuster, as Pocket Books only published the mass-market paperbacks, and all Trek books are now published under the Gallery Books imprint.
I added all of Nan Bacco's appearances to the General Star Trek Reading List, and cleaned that page up a bit. And I added the TOS comic strip storyline Double Bluff to the TOS Reading List, due to a character appearance in DTI: Forgotten History.
February 2019
The month I added the March releases (The Q Conflict, Part 3, and Waypoint Special 2019) to the story count pages. Actually I didn't add the Waypoint Special yet as I don't know what it consists of.
I also added the recent Discovery episodes to the Discovery chronology pages.
January 2019
Added The Final Frontier novelization, along with The Price of the Phoenix and The Fate of the Phoenix to the TOS Reading List.
January 2019
Added the most recent Discovery episodes to the relevant Discovery pages. Added the TMP novelization, Triangle, and The Prometheus Design to the TOS Reading List.
January 2019
This month I added the February releases (DIS: Captain Saru, and The Q Conflict, Part 2) to their appropriate lists and the story count pages. Also added the latest Discovery short and episode.
I was also finally able to add the four stories from the recent Waypoint special to the story count pages.
Added new pictures of the 3D printed ships I recently purchased. Next step, painting!
December 2018
Tweaked the Discovery episode dates page after, during a rewatch, I realized Context is For Kings took place over 4 days, and Choose Your Pain took place over 2 days.
Also added a few more novelizations, this time for The Wrath of Khan, The Search For Spock, The Voyage Home, and The Undiscovered Country.
December 2018
This month I added the January releases (DIS: The Way to the Stars, Star Trek vs. Transformers, Parts 5 and 6, The Q Conflict, Part 1, and 20/20.) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. Also added the latest Discovery shorts.
Extrocomp updated his Treklit lists this month as well.
November 2018
This month I added the December releases (TNG: Terra Incognita, Part 6, Star Trek vs. Transformers, Part 4) to the story count pages.
Also added several new DS9 novels to the DS9 Reading List due to the discovery of several interconnected references: The Big Game, The Long Night, The Heart of the Warrior, Warchild, Proud Helios, Fallen Heroes, The Laertian Gamble, Vengeance, and the Rebels trilogy. Also added was the TNG novel Balance of Power.
November 2018
Added seven Marvel Voyager comics to the Voyager Reading List as they share a character featured in other Voyager comics already included.
I'm going to start adding episode novelizations where appropriate, something I've not done up to this point. The first one is "Way of the Warrior" the Klingon Master Lourn is referenced in Day of Honor: Armageddon Sky.
November 2018
Made a reading/watching list for everything Discovery. Episodes, books, and comics.
Also added Fear Itself to the Discovery page.
October 2018
Added There's No Space Like Gnomes to the TOS Reading List, as a character named Theron in the comic is featured in DTI: Forgotten History. That story linked to We Are Dying, Egypt, Dying! which is now also on the TOS Reading List.
Also added Survivors and Metamorphosis to the TNG Reading List due to multiple references both to The Final Reflection, and The IDIC Epidemic.
October 2018
Added a link to the spreadsheet my chronological confidante Timon built which will automatically convert dates, stardates, and my own version of the Kenson-Bennett Klingon calendar between one another (along with a host of other Star Trek calendars).
Also added Federation to the TOS and TNG Reading Lists, as the Gregari are referenced in the DS9 Millennium trilogy.
October 2018
This month I added the November releases (Prometheus: In the Heart of Chaos, TNG: Terra Incognita, Part 5, and Star Trek vs. Transformers, Part 3) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. Also releasing in November is the Waypoint Special, but I don't have information on what stories are contained in that yet, so I will wait until next month.
I also published the examination of the dating of Star Trek Discovery that I talked over with the other Star Trek Timeliners as season one was airing.
September 2018
This month I added the October releases (TNG: Terra Incognita, Part 4, and Star Trek vs. Transformers, Part 2) to the story count pages.
August 2018
This month I added the September releases (TNG: Terra Incognita, Part 3, and Star Trek vs. Transformers, Part 1) to the story count pages.
August 2018
Picard is coming back! In a development that will likely have huge repercussions for this site and Star Trek literature in general, we'll be returning to the 24th (or 25th) century soon on television. That inspired me to delete the section in the introduction to this site that basically affirmed the complete unlikeliness of that ever happening.
I also correctly categorized the Titan and SCE elements in The Fall Book 5, now that I have read that. Started preliminary work on a Discovery chronology page.
July 2018
Added Across the Universe to the TOS Reading List, because of a reference in SCE: Time Stands Still.
Also came across the fact in my research that probably dozens of the TNG DC Vol. 2 comics should be included on the TNG Reading List, since they share continuing characters. I'm slowly working on a TNG rewatch while I read these comics, and as I notice comics which should be included I'll be adding them.
For today I've added issues 1-6.
July 2018
This month I added the August release (TNG: Terra Incognita, Part 2) to the story count pages.
Wow. One release for the entire month. This has to be a first at least a decade, maybe longer. Desperately hoping we get news of the novel line's return at Star Trek Las Vegas.
July 2018
Added a detailed examination of the Klingon calendar system used in the novels, along with steps to make date conversions between the two calendars, and examination of the dating of Klingon holidays (especially the Day of Honor.)
This project has been slowly coming along for about ten months. It started out simple but continued to grow as I worked, and it's really something I'm proud of at this point. Especially difficult was trying to figure out a logical system for the dating of the Day of Honor each year, given its' total haphazard usages in books and comics.
If anyone out there can create a program to convert calendar dates between Klingon and Earth systems using the steps I laid out, I really hope to hear from you. Please email me at
June 2018
This month I added the July releases (DIS: Succession, Part 4, and TNG: Terra Incognita, Part 1) to the story count pages.
June 2018
Made several small changes. Added The Fall: Revelation and Dust to the General Star Trek page, as it is vital in the Nan Bacco storyline. Added Slings and Arrows, Books 2 and 3 in light blue to the DS9 Reading List as they have cameos by DS9 characters.
Added Discovery: Drastic Measures to the Discovery and TOS Reading Lists, as it references the Lirin from the Early Voyages comic series. Added The Wrath of the Prophets to the DS9 Reading List as it references Maratekkans from TNG: Fortune's Light.
Finally noticed that the last of the original crossover miniseries I don't have included here does have reference to other books, namely the DS9 Day of Honor novel references Tarquinians from DS9: Saratoga. So now all the Day of Honor novels are listed here.
Moved the placement of "The Warrior" short DS9 comic in relation to the other Day of Honor tales. Have much more to say about the timing of the Day of Honor stories in the near future.
Redid the thumbnails along the side of the Discovery Reading List in a new way. Should be easier for me to add these pictures like this and work better. Need to get the other pages redone in this style.
All this was made possible by my awesome Patrons. Follow the link on the main page to become my Patron and help more improvements like these come to you faster in the future.
May 2018
My amazing Patrons have unlocked a month of me being able to devote more time to updating things here. Tonight I added a new book to the web of connections in the Original Litverse. Timetrap references the events of Crisis on Centaurus. That makes it the 36th book on that list.
May 2018
This month I added the June releases (Prometheus: The Root of All Rage, DIS: Fear Itself, DIS: Succession, Part 3, and New Visions: An Unexpected Yesterday) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. April 2018
Extrocomp updated his Treklit character and ships lists with new info from Star Trek: Starship Creator, Discovery: Drastic Measures, TNG first draft scripts, and several other sources. April 2018
This month I added the May releases (the 5 part The Next Generation: Through the Mirror comic series, and Discovery: Succession, Part 2) to the story count pages.
Slight update/correction to what I posted last month, about Architects of Infinity being the last Lit-verse novel slated to be published by Pocket Books. It has been confirmed that regardless of the current license situation, one further Voyager novel, To Lose the Earth, will eventually be published.
Thanks to all my Patrons I'm nearing being able to take a month to really devote alot more time to the site and get some much needed updates and new pages added. The link to my Patreon is below if you can find a dollar or two to add to that cause. Thanks in advance! March 2018
This month I added the April releases (Voyager: Architects of Infinity, New Visions: The Enemy of My Enemy, and Discovery: Succession, Part 1) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages.
Sadly, Architects of Infinity is the final Lit-verse novel currently slated to be published by Pocket Books. There is still the last announced Discovery novel and two Lit-verse novels by Titan Publishing which will be released this year, but nothing else forthcoming for the main Lit-verse series. Very disappointing state of affairs, which I hope will be rectified in some manner in the coming months. I for one am certainly not ready to stop following the continuing adventures of these characters, and watching the final frontier unfold.
February 2018
I launch a Patreon page! If you've found the Litverse Reading Guide a help in your Star Trek reading experience, please consider becoming a Patron. It will help me devote more time to the site, improving it and adding more features that I always have simmering on the back burner of my brain. A really big one is nearing completion!
February 2018
This month I added the March releases (Boldly, Go: IDIC, Part 6 and Discovery Annual 2018) to their appropriate lists and the story count pages. Another month of record low number of tales released. And now not only will we be having many more months like this for the foreseeable future, we've entered Discovery's hiatus. It's a comparatively boring time for Trek fans... January 2018
Uploaded updated version of Extrocomp's Treklit lists.
January 2018
This month I added the February releases (Discovery: Drastic Measures, Boldly Go: IDIC, Part 5, and New Visions: Isolation) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages.
I also decided to abandon my Star Wars Chronology project so I could devote a little more time to continuing improvements to the rest of the site.
January 2018
Added a few more pics to my scale model collection gallery. December 2017
This month I added the January releases (Boldly Go: IDIC, Part 4, and Discovery: The Light of Kahless, Part 4) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I also added the Star Wars episodes, books, and comics released recently that I don't have on the Star Wars Chronology, along with THE LAST JEDI!
I will point out that this is probably the month with the least releases in probably the last decade, and we are entering the long drought with very few Trek novels for at least the next six months. Looking forward to the time when Treklit comes back strong, hopefully in last half of 2018. November 2017
This month I added the December releases (Titan: Fortune of War, Prometheus: Fire with Fire, Boldly Go: IDIC, Part 3, Discovery: The Light of Kahless, Part 3, and New Visions: The Hunger) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I also added the Star Wars episodes, books, and comics released recently that I don't have on the Star Wars Chronology yet.
I feel like there is so much I want to do to this site, so many additions and general maintenance items that need done. But I never seem to find the time to work on it. I've been really distracted with Timelining stuff for quite a long time. Hopefully by the end of the year I will have a cool new feature I have been working on ready to reveal and my plan for 2018 is to wrap up another wave of revisions to my 5YM timeline and then really focus on some house cleaning for the site. October 2017
This month I added the November releases (DS9: I, the Constable, Boldly Go: IDIC, Part 2, Discovery #2, and TNG: Mirror Broken- Origin of Data) to thier appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I also added the Star Wars shorts, books, and comics released recently that I didn't have on the Star Wars Chronology yet. October 2017
Well I'm not totally crazy about Discovery, but there is some good there, and it's definitely worth watching. And I've added the first Discovery tie-in to the Litverse web of stories. I'm glad to say there are several references to Litverse concepts and more in Desperate Hours. Discovery now it's own page to the left as well. September 2017
Added Starfleet: Year One to the General Star Trek reading list. Not sure if I never noticed the references to it in several books before, or more likely for some reason decided to not include it, but upon reflection, realized it should be listed regardless of its' later contradiction. September 2017
This month I added the October releases (DS9: Gamma- Original Sin, DIS: Desperate Hours, The Autobiography of Jean-Luc Picard, Boldly Go: IDIC, Part 1, Discovery #1, TNG: Mirror Broken, Part 5, and New Visions: What Pain It is to Drown) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I also added the Star Wars books and comics released recently that I didn't have on the Star Wars Chronology yet.
I hope everyone enjoys Discovery, and I hope I do too! August 2017
Added four stories to the Litverse web of links. TOS: Mind Meld's Teska is featured in Genesis Wave, Book 2. And I added the three stories in the Unlimited #8 comic due to the third story referencing Unlimited #1, which was already referenced in the Litverse. August 2017
This month I added the September releases (Enterprise: Rise of the Federation- Patterns of Interference, TNG: Mirror Broken, Part 4, and Whom God Destroys, Part 2 to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I also added the Star Wars shorts, books, and comics released recently that I didn't have on the Star Wars Chronology yet.
Next month will mark a whole new era in the history of Trek. Discovery will air, Discovery tie ins will begin to be published, and hopefully by then Pocket will have finalized a new contract to publish tie ins to the Kelvin Timeline, allowing Treklit to proceed into the year 2387 and beyond.
July 2017
This month I added the August releases (Boldly Go, Issue 11, and New Visions: All the Ages Frozen) to their appropriate lists, timeline, and the story count pages. So no new novel from Pocket again this month. I also added the Star Wars shorts and comics released recently that I didn't have on the Star Wars Chronology yet. June 2017
Extrocomp updated his Treklit lists.
June 2017
Added the new wiki for Star Trek books and comics, Memory Omega to the Trek Lit Links page. No info from video games or card games will clutter up this new wiki. Just the books and comics. It would be great to get more folks over there to help build it and make it a great resource for the TrekLit community. June 2017
This month I added the July releases (DS9: Enigma Tales, Boldly Go, Issue 10, TNG: Mirror Broken, Part 3, and Waypoint #6) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I also added the Star Wars books and comics released recently that I didn't have yet on the Star Wars Chronology, and rearranged the placement of a few comic issues that I have read recently.
For the few of you who are interested enough in this website and subject matter to go to the trouble of reading this update log, I want to give you a bit of fun news. I was invited last month to join the group known as the Star Trek Timeliners who put together the Star Trek novel timeline published three times by Pocket Books, most recently in the back of Voyages of the Imagination. I'm really honored to be involved with them, and doubly honored that they sought me out.
I have to say that having now been privy to the behind the scenes work that went on in accomplishing the publication of the timeline, that the original members of the group did some tremendously detailed and impressive work over many years to create a resource so many of us have greatly enjoyed.
That's all I will say about that for now. Perhaps there will be more to talk about in the future. May 2017
Updated some pictures of my newly painted Star Trek models. Also added the New Visions short comic I Sing of Arms and Heroes to the story count pages. I wasn't aware of it until I recently read the comic collection. Also moved the C3P0 comic's position on the Star Wars page to a better placement. May 2017
This month I added the June releases (TNG: Hearts and Minds, DTI: Shields of the Gods, Boldly Go, Issue 9, New Visions: Time Out of Joint, TNG: Mirror Broken, Part 0, and TNG: Mirror Broken, Part 2) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I also added the Star Wars episodes, books, and comics released recently that I didn't have yet on the Star Wars Chronology, and rearranged the placement of a few comic issues that I have read recently. April 2017
This month I added the May releases (Murder at Babel, Part 2, Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds, Issue 6, Waypoint, Issue 5, and TNG: Mirror Broken, Part 1) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I also added the Star Wars episodes, books, and comics released recently that I didn't have yet on the Star Wars Chronology. April 2017
Rearranged a few entries on the 5YM timeline, and their corresponding placements in the TOS Reading List. March 2017
Rearranged a few entries in the Kelvin Timeline Reading List after I understood their order a bit better. March 2017
Added a few new stories I found links to: TOS: The Autobiography of James T. Kirk, TOS: A Better Man, and both stories from Star Trek Unlimited #1.
March 2017
This month I added the April releases (Section 31: Control, Murder at Babel, Part 1, Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds, Issue 5, and New Visions: The Traveler) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I also added the Star Wars episodes, books, and comics released recently that I didn't have yet on the Star Wars Chronology. February 2017
Added the stories now connected by The Face of the Unknown (Troublesome Minds and A Choice of Catastrophes) to the TOS Reading List and the 5YM timeline. February 2017
This month I added the March releases (DS9: The Long Mirage, Boldly Go, Issue 6, Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds, Issue 4, Waypoint, Issue 4, and the Deviations one-shot to their appropriate list, timelines, and the story count pages. I also added the Star Wars episodes, books, and comics released recently that I didn't have yet on the Star Wars Chronology. February 2017
Updated Extrocomp's Treklit names lists. January 2017
Added the four short comic stories from the Enterprise Logs collections from Gold Key to the story count pages. Not sure why I didn't include those in the count before. Also rearranged the info on the UK Comics page and updated the story count accordingly.
Interestingly if you add the episodes and films, and allow the count to double up on stories in multiple formats (like I have all along with films, their novelizations, and their comic adaptations) then the current total number of Star Trek stories across all media is 3002. The 3000th Star Trek story released will be New Visions: Sam on February 1st.
Correction: I should note that I forgot this doesn't count audio-only productions, which I've always left out of the prose and comics story count. That would put the current numbering up to 3013. And that would make Prey: The Hall of Heroes the 3000th story ever released. January 2017
This month I added the February releases (TNG: Headlong Flight, New Visions: Sam, Boldly Go, Issue 5, Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds, Issue 3) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I also added the Star Wars episodes, books, and comics released recently that I didn't have yet on the Star Wars Chronology. January 2017
Added a page about my Scale Star Trek Model Collection. December 2016
After having examined them more closely, I changed a few of the details on when exactly each chapter of Rough Beasts of Empire, Plagues of Night, and Raise the Dawn take place on the Post Nemesis Chapter by Chapter page. December 2016
This month I added the January releases (TOS: The Face of the Unknown, Boldly Go, Issue 4, Waypoint, Issue 3, Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds, Issue 2, and Star Trek Online: An Honorable Frontier) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I also added in the Star Wars episodes, books, comics, and FILM released this month to the Star Wars Chronology. December 2016
Extrocomp updated his Treklit lists again. November 2016
Updated Extrocomp's Treklit Lists. Somehow I missed adding Strange New Worlds 2016 to all my Story Count lists, and the Pocket Novel List. Added a few more recent "jumping on points" to the various Reading Lists.
November 2016
Updated the names of the two short comics in Waypoint #2. Added the Strange New Worlds 2016 story "The Last Refuge" to the Voyager Reading List. Added DC Comics Annual #1 (All Those Years Ago) to the TOS Reading List. I didn't realize until I had read it this week that it had a framing story that connected it to the other DC comics of the era. Rearranged a few Star Wars comics into chronological order now that I have read them. November 2016
month I added the December releases (Prey: The Hall of Heroes, New Visions: The Hidden Face, Green Lantern Vol 2. #1, and Boldly Go, Issue Three)
to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I
also added in the Star Wars books and comics released recently that I
didn't have
yet on the Star Wars Chronology.
I also changed the Plagues of Night/ Raise the Dawn duology to light blue in the TNG list now that I have read them and see the limited amount of TNG in the stories themselves. I had the impression originally that they were more of a DS9/TNG team up then they turned out to be. This changed the numbering of the later TNG Relaunch novels.
November 2016
Added the complete quartet of Extrocomp's "unnamed" lists: Characters, Ships, Species, and Planets.
October 2016
Stumbled upon a whole new string of references that connect several new books. DS9: Saratoga, TNG: Doomsday World, TNG: A Call to Darkness, TNG: Fortune's Light, TNG: Starfleet Academy- Mystery of the Missing Crew, and TNG: Starfleet Academy- Secret of the Lizard People are all connected by various references to other Michael Jan Friedman story elements.
Also added Extrocomp's compliation of all the Treklit Species Names for Unnamed Canon Species. October 2016
Moved Final Frontier to after Operation: Annihilate in all the timelines and reading lists. It fits better here story-wise and this lets the events align with the comic Bloodline as well. Extrocomp added a few names to the Treklit First and Last Names of Canon Characters list.
October 2016
Fixed an error on the 5YM timeline where I had Arena in the wrong place. October 2016
Extrocomp added a few names to the Treklit First and Last Names of Canon Characters list, and I changed the final two Peter Pan comics to comic stories in the story count now that I've read them and notice that they aren't self contained issues.
October 2016
Added the Unnamed Character Names project which was completed by several users on the TrekBBS and is posted here on their behalf.
October 2016
month I added the November releases (Prey: The Jackal's Trick, Waypoint, Issue Two, and Boldly Go, Issue Two)
to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I
also added in the Star Wars books and comics released recently that I
didn't have
yet on the Star Wars Chronology.
October 2016
Made a few tweaks to the formatting of the Complete Pocket Books Novel list with regard to the numbering of miniseries. I also noticed that I was missing the first Day of Honor book on that list. October 2016
Made a slight adjustment to the 5YM timeline in response to a discussion on the TrekBBS about there being two weeks before Journey to Babel which can't have any other adventures in them. That forced the previous few months to scrunch up their adventures a bit.
September 2016
I added the newest Star Trek Online short story, Time of the Scotsman. Moved Vulcan's Glory on the TOS Reading List to before Early Voyages instead of after. Not sure how I messed that up. I also changed the New Visions: The Cage story in the story count pages to a "Photostory Adaptation" instead of a 'Comic Adaptation'. September 2016
Did a slight reformatting of the Simple Post-Nemesis Reading List. Added the TOS books and comics which I recently placed in the timeline to the TOS Reading List. Also rearranged a few stories on that list to reflect the changes I made to the timeline recently. And changed the Byrne-verse entries to purple from orange to fit better with the someday upcoming Complete Lit-verse Reading List.
September 2016
month I added the October releases (Prey: Hell's Heart, and Boldly Go, Issue One)
to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I
also added in the Star Wars books and comics released recently that I
didn't have
yet on the Star Wars Chronology, and made a few tweaks to the formatting and ordering of a few titles.
September 2016
Updated the 5 Year Mission timeline quite a bit. Added in the Legacies trilogy and several New Visions comics, and rearranged things accordingly. Also noticed that I had some problems in the between TOS and TAS period that had somehow crept in over the years, and I fixed that era. to see a discussion of what all exactly I changed see the TrekBBS thread 'A Lit-verse Based TOS Chronology.' August 2016
Added the short story "The Lights in the Sky" from SNW1. Found out it was referenced in Excelsior: Forged in Fire. I rearranged a few comics on the Star Wars Chronology now that I've read them and see where they go. I also moved "Countdown to Darkness" to before "I, Enterprise" in the KT timeline since there is a reference to CTD in I,E. I separated DTI from "Other" in the story count pages since it has four separate stories now. I changed the references from "bright blue" to "dark blue" in the reading list intros to be more descriptive and less confusing. And lastly I added orange to show the seperate Byrne-verse continutiy on the TOS reading page. August 2016
month I added the September releases (The Original Series: Legacies- Purgatory's Key, Department of Temporal Investigations: Time Lock, Waypoint #1, New Visions: Swarm, and New Visions: More of the Serpent Than the Dove)
to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I
also added in the Star Wars books and comics released recently that I didn't have
yet on the Star Wars Chronology. July 2016
Since I've been reading threw the old Gold Key comics I've noticed that almost all of them are actually broken up into parts 1 and 2, with several of them even having seperate subtitles for each story. So I broke those stories up in the story count pages and that added 56 stories to the total story count. This brings the total up to 2221.
Also changed the title of the final issues of Star Trek Ongoing to Connections instead of the original title, Altered Encounters. July 2016
month I added the August releases (The Original Series: Legacies- Captain to Captain, and Star Trek
Ongoing: Altered Encounters, Part 2)
to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I
also added in the Star Wars books and comics released recently that I didn't have
yet on the Star Wars Chronology.
Added The Galactic Whirlpool to the TOS Reading List and the Five Year Mission Timeline. It is now the first Bantam novel connected in some way to the Lit-verse.
Also changed all the references to Abrams-Trek to Kelvin Timeline and added the last few Star Trek Online original short stories to all their lists. June 2016
month I added the July releases (The Original Series: Legacies- Captain to Captain, Deep Space Nine: Rules of Accusation, Star Trek
Ongoing: Altered Encounters, Part 1, and New Visions: The Cage)
to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages.
June 2016
Added Titan: Sight Unseen to the Simple Post-Nemesis Reading List which I somehow missed when it came out. I worked on the timeline of The Fall chapters in the Post-Nemesis Month-By-Month timeline. Added TNG: Behind Enemy Lines and TNG: Tunnel Through the Stars to the TNG Reading List. Also added the new Star Wars short story to it's reading list, and rearranged some Star Wars comics after having read several more this month. May 2016
month I added the June releases (Deep Space Nine: Force and Motion, and Star Trek
Ongoing: Legacy of Spock, Part 4)
to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I
also added in the Star Wars books and comics released recently that I didn't have
yet on the Star Wars Chronology.
April 2016
Added upcoming ebook DTI: Time Lock to the post Nemesis timeline and reading list. Added the page Titan Books TOS to the Story Count for The Autobiography of James T. Kirk. Renamed the "Post-Nemesis: Year By Year" page to "Post-Nemesis: Month by Month" to line up with the "Five Year Mission: Month by Month" page. April 2016
month I added the May releases (The Original Series: Elusive Salvation, Star Trek
Ongoing: Legacy of Spock, Part 3, and Manifest Destiny #3 & #4)
to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I
also added in the Star Wars books and comics released recently that I didn't have
yet on the Star Wars Chronology, and did some rearranging based on the comics I've read lately.
March 2016
Rearranged the 5YM timeline from April 2266 to April 2267. Just a few changes were made due to finally abandoning trying to reconcile the different dates surrounding The Vulcan Academy Murders and The IDIC Epidemic. Basically now I'm just plucking these down where VotI places them and I'm ignoring any timeline reference to them or from them.
March 2016
Added The Latter Fire to the Original Series Reading List and the 5YM timeline. Moved The Entropy Effect on the 5YM timeline to account for the fact that Chekov shouldn't be present during the run of TAS. This caused some rearranging during the period of TAS.
March 2016
month I added the April releases (Enterprise: Rise of the Federation- Live By the Code, Star Trek
Ongoing: Legacy of Spock, Part 2, Starfleet Academy #5, and Manifest Destiny #1 & #2)
to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I
also added in the Star Wars books and comics released recently that I didn't have
yet on the Star Wars Chronology.
February 2016
month I added the March releases (The Original Series: The Latter Fire, Star Trek
Ongoing: Legacy of Spock, Part 1, and Starfleet Academy #4)
to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I
also added in the Star Wars books and comics released recently that I didn't have
yet on the Star Wars Chronology.
Also tweaked the timeline entries for DS9: Ascendance and VOY: A Pocket Full of Lies. January 2016
Tweaked the story count page to double check that I can actually do simple addition (Results: I can't.) Everything checks out now. January 2016
Rearranged a few stories on the TOS page to reflect my new understanding of the timeline of the TFF-TUC era of stories.
Also updated the placement of items on the Post-Nemesis Year-By-Year page, specifically Q Are Cordially Uninvited..., Revenant, Rough Beasts of Empire, and Plagues of Night. January 2016
month I added the February releases (Voyager: A Pocket Full of Lies, The Original Series: Miasma, Star Trek
Ongoing: Reunion, Part 2, and Starfleet Academy #3)
to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I
also added in the Star Wars books and comics released recently that I didn't have
yet on the Star Wars Chronology.
I also rearranged the order of the three short tales in the Star Wars: Before the Awakening book to better reflect when I figure they take place (specifically when they end). December 2015
Added Seekers 4 to the 5YM timeline, which I didn't yet have on there for some reason. Also rearranged the placement of TAS: The Time Trap and SCE: Where Time Stands Still, as talked about a while back in the TrekBBS thread "A Litverse Based TOS Chronology." December 2015
This month I added
the January releases (DS9: Ascendance, Star Trek Ongoing: Reunion, Part 1, Starfleet Academy #2, and New Visions #10) to their
appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I also added
in the Star Wars books and comics released recently that I didn't have yet on the
Star Wars Chronology along with THE FORCE AWAKENS!
November 2015
Continued tweaking the order of the Star Wars comics as I get around to reading them. Added the October Star Trek Magazine short fiction story to all its' lists. Also moved the Star Trek Online fiction from Star Trek Magazine and Pocket onto their own categories and lists now that there are so many of them. Also added the DC Comics arcs Time Crime and No Compromise now that I noticed they share connections with the other connected issues. November 2015
This month I added the December releases (The Original Series: Child of Two Worlds, Star Trek Ongoing: Live Live, Part 3, Spectrum War #6, and Starfleet Academy #1) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I also added in the Star Wars books and comics released recently that I didn't have yet on the Star Wars Chronology. October 2015
Added the short story The Immortality Blues which was referenced in Enterprise: Uncertain Logic. Also added Ishmael which gave the same family name for Spock and Sarek as Uncertain Logic gave. Added that story to the 5 Year Mission breakdown as well. October 2015
This month I added
the November releases (Seekers 4, Star Trek Ongoing: Live Live, Part 2, New Visions #9, and
Spectrum War #5) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story
count pages. I also added in all the Star Wars books and comics released recently that I didn't have yet on the Star Wars
October 2015
Now that I've read Voyager: Atonement, I did my best to more specifically break the chapters up in the Post-Nemesis-Year-By-Year page. The book also clarified that I needed to spread the previous Voyager book's chapters out a bit more.
And since I started reading the new Star Wars Marvel comics, I was able to tweak the order of the first three issues of Star Wars in relation to the first issues of Darth Vader instead of simply putting them in release order.
Also updated the Vanguard page to reflect the order of things decided on by the 5 Year Mission- Month by Month project. Added Seekers 3 to that 5 Year Mission page as well. September 2015
Added the Convergence crossover comic series to TNG. I only had it on the TOS page for some reason til now. Also placed the Abrams/Green Lantern crossover comic series in it's correct place chronologically. The author has told me he considers it to take place between upcoming issues 52 and 53.
Also finished updating the order of The Original Series Reading List. September 2015
This month I added the October releases (Titan: Sight Unseen, Star Trek Ongoing: Live Live, Part 1, and Spectrum War #4) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I also started moving things around on The Original Series Reading List page to reflect the order of books developed in the "A Lit-verse Based TOS Chronology" thread several of us worked on on the TrekBBS. I should get time to finish updating that soon.
Plus I added in all the Star Wars books and comics released recently to the Star Wars Chronology, especially the big wave during Force Friday. August 2015
A few weeks ago was the two year anniversary of the launch of this site. I should have put this page together two years ago, but at least I can start it from here on out.
This month I added the September releases (Voyager: Atonement, New Frontier: The Returned Part III, Star Trek Ongoing: Deity, Part 2, New Visions: The Survival Equation, and Spectrum War #3) to their appropriate lists, timelines, and the story count pages. I also found out about the two latest pieces of Star Trek Magazine original fiction and added them to the story count.
Future entries here will be a bit more interesting at times, but this month's update was pretty basic.