The Voyager Reading List is centered around the
Post-Finale Series, which chronicles events following Voyager's return
to the Alpha Quadrant. This series was taken over by a new author
following the Destiny trilogy and taken in a new direction. Accordingly, there are two good "jumping on points" below.
Besides the Post-Finale Series, several additional novels, short stories, and comics are connected due to recurring characters and various references in other books, or to other books. These references are mentioned in the notes.
Other novels are connected by six crossover series: Invasion! (which is referenced several times in the Lit-verse), Day of Honor (which shares references with several things in the Lit-verse), Double Helix (which ties into the New Frontier series), The Captain's Table (which is thematically connected to the Lit-verse spanning Tales From the Captain's Table), Section 31 (which ties into the Deep Space Nine Post-Finale Series), and Gateways (which ties into the Deep Space Nine Post-Finale Series and the New Frontier series.)
Two other short stories are connected: one from The Brave and the Bold duology (which ties into the Gorkon series) and one from Tales From the Captain's Table (which ties into the Post-Finale Series.) One comic is connected by the Telepathy War crossover event (which ties into the Starfleet Academy series.) Four included novels and comics in other series cross over with Voyager- The Next Generation: Double Helix- Quarantine, The Original Series: No Time Like the Past, The Next Generation: Before Dishonor, and The Next Generation: Hive.
Also included are all the stories from Distant Shores, which shares references with the Post-Finale Series and other works. Various references in parts of both the Wildstorm Star Trek Special and the anthology New Worlds, New Civilizations connect Voyager stories from both those works. Voyager figures only marginally in the Destiny trilogy, however because of its' story reshaping events those books are included here. At the end of The Next Generation Reading List all storylines transfer to the Picard Reading List.
Dark blue denotes the primary narrative. Read
these for the bare bones story. Light blue denotes the expanded
storyline. Read any or all of these to go a bit deeper. The grey denotes every other connected story, regardless of overall continuity.
As always, not every reference to every other story is mentioned, just the one I chose as most important to show the expanding Lit-verse web.