This page used to be home to a Star Trek post-Nemesis novel chronology, done in a more detailed fashion than any other list on the site. It took inspiration from the style of the Star Trek Timeliners' Timeline as it most recently appears in the back of Voyages of Imagination. That was published almost twenty years ago. The Timeliners group still exists, and has been keeping the Timeline updated and expanded. Without getting into specifics, there is an incredibly larger
amount of information in the project today, waiting for an outlet to
make its way into print again.
I have removed this page. Admittedly it had fallen into disrepair, and was not something I was updating any longer. But I did not want it to be seen in any way as a reason why the Star Trek Timeliners' Timeline should not be published again. I do not want to contribute to the idea that "all that information is available online now." It definitely is not. The huge amount of detail and information in the Timeliners' project today dwarfs any reading list or fan chronology available anywhere online.
If you are as interested as I am to see
the Star Trek Timeliners' Timeline published again, make the word known
to Simon and Schuster, our wonderful Star Trek novelists, or anyone worthwhile who
will listen. Create a demand for this awesome project. Rest assured
that it will be well worth the wait. I certainly hope you all can see it someday soon.